How do I get rid of Greasy & Sticky dandruff using essential oils?
Greasy Hair & Scalp:
These days Oily hair is a common sight for most people. Often, it is not only the feeling of grease that can irritate, but also the tenderness, dizziness, and other discomforts brought on by oily skin. We live in a world full of dirt and dust that ruins our hair. Some of us have the wrong genes that damage our hair. The fact is, most of us have hair loss. The worst hair problem you can have is a combination of dry hair and oily scalp. This is seen as an almost impossible condition for treatment.
What Makes Your Scalp Oily?
Our bodies produce oil naturally. Scientists call this oil sebum. We have the sebaceous glands that make this oil to keep your skin moisturized. In some cases, people have overactive sebaceous glands. This results in excessive oil production. Excess oil is produced on scalp and is what we call ‘oily scalp’.
Rubbing your scalp with certain oil can solve this problem.
Essential oils which are good for oily hair:
Features of Essential Oils for Oily Skin
Essential oils have certain properties that make them extremely effective in treating oily scalp. You should look for these properties when looking for an essential oil for the treatment of oily scalp.
· To soothe an itchy scalp
· Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial
· Anti-septic and anti-viral
· Anti-fungal
How To Use Essential Oils on An Oily Scalp
You should never apply essential oils directly to your scalp. They can cause inflammation and irritation. The best way to apply these oils is to dilute them in a carrier oil. You can then use this mixture to massage your scalp. Here are some great carrier oils you can use:
· Jojoba
Get Rid of Pesky Dandruff Once and for All
Although dandruff is not a serious or contagious condition, it can be difficult to treat and can be irritating. One way to deal with your problem is to use essential oils.
What is Dandruff?
Those dry, white flakes of skin you brush off your collar or shoulder is harmless. But it can be embarrassing and Itchy. Dandruff is actually not in your hair, no matter how often you wash it. Instead, it’s about the skin on your head.
When skin cells grow and die very quickly, it creates a problem. Exactly why that happens is unclear. The most common fungus called Malassezia can contribute to the problem. The fungus lives in the heads of many healthy adults without causing any problems. One theory is that the immune system of an infected person may respond favourably to the fungus.
Symptoms of dandruff include:
· scaling scalp skin
· flakes of dead skin on hair and shoulders
· Itchy scalp
Dandruff can be caused by:
· Dry skin
· Malassezia fungus
· Seborrheic dermatitis (irritated, oily skin)
· Touch dermatitis (possible sensitivity to hair care products)
· Poor hygiene
Essential oils to help with dandruff
Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the most important oils recommended for dandruff and for good reason. “It’s a powerful antibacterial and antifungal that both nixes and wards off any foreign invaders attacking your scalp,” said Mariza Snyder, DC, an active physician and author of The Essential Oils Hormone Solution.
Frankincense: If you do not have a problem, but instead dry skin, this EO can be your ticket. Regular application of frankincense can help control skin moisture. It is recommended that you wash your scalp so that your skin is cleaner, which will help the oil to penetrate on your skin. Start with one drop of frankincense to 1tbsp of castor oil and apply on scalp. Put on a bath cap for 15 minutes and then wash off shampoo. Repeat whenever necessary to keep the flakes under control.
Geranium: Another key ingredient if you want to clean dry skin, rather than dandruff, geranium is a great addition to your shampoo game. Geranium will help the health of your skin and protect the balance of your hair’s shaft, strengthen and heal damaged hair from the roots to the tip.
Peppermint: Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. it soothes an itchy scalp and helps to absorb excess oils on the scalp.
Rosemary: Rosemary oil has analgesic, astringent, and decongesting properties to reduce excess oils, build-up, and flakes that can be part of the problem experience. Its anti-fungal properties help to deal with the excessive activity of the fungus on the head, which is the source of the fungus.
Cedarwood: Cedarwood essential oil is made of wood and has a smoky, woody essence that reminds of camping. The anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation in the face of the problem. Benefits include reduced itching, irritation, and redness.
Always dilute essential oils with carrier oil before applying on scalp.
There is no doubt that essential oils can work wonders when used appropriately. They offer natural approach to reducing dandruff and can be better than using a hair product with artificial ingredients.
Diet and lifestyle plays an important role on the scalp condition. It is important to follow a healthy diet which includes fruits, colourful vegetables & proteins along with good amount of water. One must ensure to get enough sleep as lack of sleep adds to stress levels which can exaggerate scalp or hair conditions like dandruff.